Anxiety Panic Attacks & Fear
Anxiety, Panic Attacks & Fear
Anxiety, panic attacks and fear can be frightening and debilitating. They occur for a variety of reasons, but one thing they share in common is that anxiety, panic attacks and fear have a root cause that is hidden in our past.
It’s disturbing that the number of people suffering from anxiety, panic attacks and fear is increasing as this article in the Daily Telegraph reports. And according to this article by St. Patricks Mental Health Services it is estimated that “1 in 9 individuals will suffer a primary anxiety disorder over their lifetime.”
Anxiety quote: “Your mind is your prison when you focus on your fear.”
To become free from anxiety, fear and panic attacks we must gently uncover what is behind the fear and determine the root cause. There are some powerful tools that can help do this e.g. Regression, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and the Emotional Freedom Techniques also known as EFT or Tapping. Read more about successful research studies completed using EFT here.
By releasing the trauma from our past, fear can be replaced with confidence; anxiety can be replaced with self-belief. Through regular practice of self-hypnosis, relaxation and/or guided meditation our feelings of self-worth and confidence increase. We strengthen our ability to cope. We gain a sense of balance, self-belief and reason for being and reconnect to ourselves. The time it takes for this process depends a lot on what occurred and what we discover about your anxiety, panic attacks and fear.
Coping with Fear, Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Should a panic attack occur it’s vital to remember to breathe deeply (from the abdomen). This helps reduces stress levels, to change our focus and grounds us in our bodies. Deep breathing helps us become more mindful too. Using EFT (like this short exercise) is incredibly helpful too.
Help is Available
I offer a free 15-20 minute phone/online chat if you’d like to connect with me in person before taking the step or booking an appointment to free yourself from your debilitating fear, anxiety and panic.
I’ll also be facilitating a new series of one day workshops. The next one is on June 10th in Douglas, Cork, Ireland. It will share a number of potent tools to help you overcome anxiety, panic attacks and fear. You’ll also experience calming relaxation and meditation techniques. Read more about the freedom from Anxiety & Fear workshop here. To book your place on this forthcoming Freedom from Anxiety & Fear workshop click here.
I also facilitate weekend experiences. Feel free to check out the details of the next Weekend here. Held in the beautiful grounds of the Liss Ard Estate in the Lake Lodge in West Cork, Ireland the weekend takes place on 12th & 13th August 2017. Read more here or book your place here. A limited number of early-bird places remain.
Be Prepared for Change
There will be opportunities in your private consultation, or during the seminar and/or over the course of the weekend to release yourself from the grip of fear, panic and anxiety and finally eliminate what is no longer essential to your health, well-being and happiness. The more you release, the more you are free to achieve your potential and reconnect to your real Self.

You’re not alone
Remember you are not alone, you don’t have to struggle with your fear, anxiety or panic.
Check out this video clip – shows how powerful having someone there is
Contact Me
To begin your journey of self-discovery and release your anxiety, fear or panic contact me by email or by phone:
Ireland – 0871492338 or in the UK – 07857369619. Alternatively contact me by email.
Consultations for anxiety, panic attacks and fear are also available in Cork City at the Natural Clinic.
Book a consultation at the Natural clinic, here or call Reception on (00353) 21 4311977