
Our Ego

Understanding our ego with Michelle A. HardwickUnderstanding Our Ego

In many spiritual traditions our ego is seen as the false self. It’s the mask we wear in certain situations with particular people (or groups of people); or the role we ‘play’ in our lives. It is an illusion, a mirage. Often we get caught in this false, made-up ‘self-image.’ However as we peel back the layers of who we are not, we no longer need to play ‘roles’ in our lives. Instead we begin to become our real, authentic selves – who we truly are.

Lower Mind

Our ego is connected to our lower rather than our higher mind. It is our head not our heart. Esoteric Science states:

“It keeps us on autopilot; it keeps us half asleep and most of its programs (our beliefs, strategies, thought patterns, emotional reactions and automated behaviours) were initially programmed when we were very young, so many of our reactions to life are immature and inappropriate. Some of our programs were updated and re-written as we became older and more experienced, but the deeper ones were created by and created from a very young, naive, immature and inexperienced consciousness. These old patterns are responsible for most of the unnecessary suffering in our lives, but our fear of venturing into the depths of our being allows our immature core (inner child) to endure and our unnecessary suffering to continue.”

I agree.
Let’s explore some of these statements:

Understanding our ego with Michelle A. HardwickAutopilot

It “keeps us on autopilot; half asleep” – most of our self-sabotaging behaviour (known in EFT as a Psychological Reversal) stems from our ego. It does not want to move out of it’s comfort zone – even though it can be painful to remain there. Our ego resists, hates change and will fight to keep the status quo. If there is any way our ego can halt our Soul from making changes, evolving or progressing, it will. Our ego will continue to do things as it has always done, it gets what it wants by doing it that way. The ego does not want to take responsibility for itself nor have us take command of our lives, it’s too scary to change.

Reactions to Life

“Many of our immature and inappropriate ‘reactions’ in life” are from our ego. A lot of our reactions are similar to those of a small child. I’m sure you’ve witnessed this, where the ego becomes furious, shouts, cries, lies, attempts to cover up and/or defend itself. Yet the difference between adults and small children is that children are simply be-ing in the moment. As soon as the moment has passed, their attention is diverted, the reaction is forgotten and their focus is on something else. Yet adults can stew over an event, become bitter, resentful, feel justified in their behaviour, doggedly resistant to giving any apology for a reaction.

Updating Programmes

“Some of our programs were updated and re-written as we became older” – absolutely.  Programmes that no longer serve us become extinct as we add new truths or understandings. Think for a moment of the concept of the Easter Bunny or Father Christmas. We believed them as children, and now we don’t. Any outdated belief can be changed if we are ready to change and take responsibility.

Deeper Beliefs

The “deeper ones”/beliefs are often connected with emotions or feelings that are reinforced over time. Our ego collects ‘proof’ about them. It fabricates why we need them or why we can’t (or won’t) change them. We need to excavate a little deeper within the subconscious to discover the roots of these beliefs and their secondary gains either with EFT and Hypnotherapy. Often there can be nervousness around “venturing into the depths of our being” and becoming aware of our ego – for fear of what we might uncover. But nothing bad will surface only our judgement of ourselves. Our ego is not who we truly are, it’s not our truth…we are so much more than our ego. So much bigger, more amazing and more powerful than our ego would allow or have us believe. What we discover is our real self. It’s a very empowering process.


Those with a healthy egos endure a lot of “unnecessary suffering”. Their thinking is usually that they are ‘right’ and the other person is ‘wrong’. The ego needs to be in control and so it tries to get power from the other person in order to feel powerful. At the core of our ego is insecurity, anxiety and fear. But when we are balanced, centered and calm we respond to situations and are in command of our thoughts, feelings and emotions. We don’t suffer as much. Life becomes easier.

Becoming Aware

We can identify our ego by following the trail of reactions in our lives. Understanding our ego with Michelle A. Hardwick

Remember a time when you exploded over something that another person felt was seemingly small and insignificant. Reflect on that event. Check to see whether your reaction was a bit too “over the top” for what occurred.  Instead of blaming the other person and/or the drama, think why your ego reacted. What was the belief that caused the explosion? Ask yourself honestly does that belief still serve you? Is it outdated? Here are a few ways our ego shows itself:

  • it takes things personally,
  • feels attacked wants revenge,
  • won’t/can’t forgive,
  • can’t sleep and becomes unwell,
  • remains a victim, renders itself powerless,
  • overthinks, becomes self-obsessed,
  • judges the other person/people and their behaviour.

Einstein wrote:

“The more the Knowledge
Lesser the Ego

Lesser the Knowledge
More the Ego”

Michelle A. HardwickContact Me

Are you ready to break free from the limitations of your ego? If you are, then contact me by email or by phone:
Ireland – 0871492338 or in the UK – 07857369619. Alternatively contact me by email.
If you’d like to explore more – I offer Skype and Zoom consultations, all from the comfort of your own home.

Consultations are also available in Cork City at the Natural Clinic.
Book a consultation at the Natural clinic, here or call Reception on (00353) 21 4311977

Begin your journey of self-discovery and reconnect to your powerful, real, true, authentic Self now!



Meditation can take many forms. Years ago (in my youth), I thought that there was just one style – like all the photos I’d seen – with people sitting cross-legged, wearing robes, chanting Om. I’d decided that that, wasn’t for me. To be honest, I was also constantly moving, running through my life, so I definitely wasn’t the type of person who could sit still for long periods of time, nor do that thing with my legs. Back then, I was terrified of anything remotely “woo-woo” i.e. weird/religious/or ‘out there’ – all of that stuff frightened me to death. I was sure I’d end up joining a cult, being whisked away and never seeing my family again. Those limiting beliefs stayed with me until…I had a marriage break-up. Oh boy.

That was big.

After that experience, I knew I needed to change. I couldn’t continue living my life the way I had been. I knew I would have to do something completely different. I decided to take myself away on a silent meditation retreat up on the beautiful Banks Peninsula on the outskirts of Christchurch, New Zealand. Terrified I booked myself in, wondering what on earth I would discover. I drove there and parked my car. The silence where the retreat was held, was breath-taking. I joined the group gathered and after our introductions, we were told how the weekend would go. It all seemed fairly ‘normal’ to me. After supper, we were invited to sit and breathe. ‘Yes’, I thought, ‘I can do that’. And I did. Meditation with Michelle A. Hardwick

At the end of that experience, the facilitator introduced us to the poet Rumi. No-one spoke as he read a poem. It was magical. The poem, Rumi and that profound moment has stayed with me for over 14 years now- check it out (eyes right!)…

Walking Meditation

During that weekend we were also introduced to the simplicity of a walking meditation. I learned I didn’t have to sit cross-legged the entire weekend. I could walk and meditate at the same time. WOW. No more sitting still nor battling my mind? Bliss.

So I tried it. I slowed my breathing down as was taught, took slow steps along the path. I attempted to be very mindful of where I placed my feet, the steps I took, the path I walked, the stones beside the path, the grass growing up through the cracks in the path and that profound silence. It was a very powerful experience for me.

Guided Meditation

Years on from that incredible weekend in New Zealand, I now facilitate guided meditations. A guided meditation is a style that suits me well and I love sharing. It’s where I invite you to sit still (yes, I’ve even learned how to do it too), breathe and follow a process. The experience is easy to follow. Guided meditation is suitable for you if your mind is busy, or if you are new to meditation. It’s easier than battling your thoughts.  It can help you begin to feel calm, relaxed or refreshed. It can take place one-to-one, with others, in small or large groups or during my weekend experiences held in Ireland and around the world.

Guided Meditation with Michelle A. HardwickMeditation Style

Know that there are countless different styles of meditation and ways to meditate. What’s important is to try different ones and find the style that best suits you.  You can meditate while stirring the soup, in the shower or even waiting at the traffic lights. So… to start with, keep it simple. The Master Eckhart Tolle says:

One conscious breath – in and out – is a meditation.

Benefits of Meditation

After my weekend experience, I loved going for mindful walks with my dog and meditating. It was (and still is) a way of reconnecting to myself, taking some time out. It allowed me space to regroup after my day at the office. Try it, stick to it – your mind and body will thank you for it. There are countless articles and research papers that prove the benefits of meditation. Here are some areas you can change through the use of regular meditation:

  • Emotions – reduce stress, anxiety, increase confidence.
  • Heart – feel more balanced, compassionate, connected, optimistic, joyful.
  • Brain – train your brain, transform your mind, improve brain function.
  • Body – increase immunity, prevent disease, reduce ageing.
  • Sleep – lower heart rate, reduce blood pressure, gain restful sleep.

Michelle A. HardwickFree Experience

At the end of this month, I will be facilitating an event, a free Guided Meditation Experience in Cork at the Maryborough Hotel and Spa. You are very welcome to join us.

Earlier this year I gave different talk at the Spa. The talk included a guided meditation. Here’s what one person very kindly messaged me afterwards:

I really enjoyed your talk on Thursday night. Much more than I expected. I fell asleep twice during the meditation, I was aware of your voice but nodded off twice, then fell asleep on the chair when I got home, then slept like a log all night.

Feel free to call the Spa on 021 4918 350 or email spa@maryborough.ie to register your place or contact me if you have any questions.

Millions of people all over the world meditate – come, experience it for yourself.