
Residential Weekends with Michelle A. Hardwick

Residential Weekend

Residential Weekends with Michelle A. Hardwick

Residential Weekend

This November I’ll be facilitating a residential weekend in the Lake Lodge of the Liss Ard Estate  in West Cork. In previous years I’ve been fortunate to share these experiences with groups in Bali and Oslo. Now I get to share them in gorgeous West Cork, Ireland. It’s a place I’ve fallen in love with and one I hold very close to my heart.


I began running these experiences in New Zealand around 2005, with my partner Shane. Since then my residential weekends have evolved and changed. ​Designed to take participants on a journey of self-discovery and self-development, there are a total seven residential weekends. Each has a different topic/theme. The one in November is focused on inner flexibility and our ability to ‘go with the flow’. Check out my short video explaining these residential weekends here

“Knowing others is wisdom
knowing yourself is enlightenment”
Lao Tzu

Residential Weekends with Michelle A. Hardwick of Release...PeaceGroup Process

​The entire weekend comprises of two full days of group exploration from 10am – 6pm, two full days’ tuition with discussions, experiences, group sharing, as well as meditations (which are recorded as MP3’s and sent to you after the weekend). Not only that, there is an overnight stay in the stunning Lake Lodge accommodation, with access to the extensive and beautiful grounds of the Liss Ard Estate (check out the Lake Lodge video here)​.

Included in the package are healthy (yet yummy+filling) vegetarian/vegan meals: 2 lunches, 1 dinner, 1 breakfast as well as your home-baked refreshments cooked by our very own Chef Jorien. There is an optional extra of staying on the Friday night to really pamper yourself, should you wish.

Residential Weekend Feedback

Residential Weekends in Ireland with Michelle A. HardwickOur participants all tell us these weekends are incredibly powerful and potent​. Here are a few comments we’ve recently received: ​

  • “Thank you Michelle for an extraordinary Weekend experience!!”
  • “The Weekend was very beneficial to me and I feel absolutely fantastic in my own skin now. I cannot thank you enough for this feeling.”
  • “I highly recommend Michelle’s work. Michelle created a safe, sacred space, which she held masterfully. Her knowledge of the subject, her depth of experience, her sensitivity and kindness, as well as her commitment to her own growth and to supporting others in theirs was truly inspirational. All of this contributed to what was for me, a very powerful and life-changing weekend. I will definitely be attending the rest of the retreats. The ideal location (Liss Ard Estate) and the delicious vegan food provided at the retreat were also a big part of the nurturing we all received.”

Residential Weekends with Michelle A. Hardwick of Release...PeaceBe Quick!

Book now – there’s not much time left until the next residential weekend in mid-November.  Feel free to contact me or call me on Ph: 0871492338 or UK Ph: 07857369619 – if you have any questions. Do share this post with your friends…Thank you. ​​

Storm Opehlia

I am thankful that after the powerful Storm Opehlia we are still standing, although unfortunately I can’t say the same for the beautiful grounds of Liss Ard. They have been very badly affected – have a look at their recent post here). The next storm Brian is due to hit Ireland tomorrow – so t​ake care and do stay safe everyone!


Evolution/Growth with Michelle A. Hardwick of Release...PeaceEvolution/Growth

Our evolution/growth is a powerful part of our lives…whether we are aware of it or not; whether we like it or not. Everything we’ve ever done in our lives, the courses, training, experiences, the pain, struggles and suffering have all guided us on our path of evolution/growth. Looking back over my life, I know my own evolution/growth has only ever been during times of crises. When things were going well, I never wanted to change anything.

Each time I found myself at a painful crossroad of some kind or another, I was ‘gently pushed’ (read:forced) to find a new solution: to grow and evolve.

Often, I’ve needed help to understand what was going on in my life from a different perspective e.g. work with other therapists using the tools of Regression, EFT, and NLP to help me ‘see the wood for the trees’.

Understanding My Evolution/Growth

As soon as I was able to understand the reason for the crisis, I then had a choice. I could release and work through my inner challenges – or not. I could let go of the many judgments I’d made about myself as well as others or remain a victim. I could process what had happened and feel compassion to the younger part of myself who did the best she could with the tools she had (or not). I could change my vibration and feel grateful for the necessary changes the crisis brought into my life. All these steps are up to me to make if I choose to take responsibility for my life and my feelings. When that is done, I can come back to reconnecting to my true nature and essence, the real me. It’s then that I take another step in my evolution/growth. Often my ego feels justified in holding onto the hurt/hatred/anger/pain but at some point I have to consider – do I want to be right or be in peace?

Evolution/Growth with Michelle A. HardwickSymptoms of Our Soul

Stubborn, lingering issues are usually symptoms of our soul. They continue to be a problem because they relate to something much deeper within ourselves. Something hidden that needs to be excavated and understood for our souls’ evolution/growth and from our souls’ perspective. Discovering the root of stubborn issues is fundamental to our development and once discovered, they facilitate our reconnection to our self, our soul, our truth. Healing is the result.


I love this quote by Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free:

“Look around you.
Everything changes.
Everything on this earth is in a continuous state of evolving, refining, improving, adapting, enhancing…changing.
You were not put on this earth to remain stagnant.”


Evolution/Growth with Michelle A. Hardwick of Release...PeaceContact Me

If you are tired of being stuck, feeling stagnant and are ready to make a change, then feel free to contact me by email or by phone: Ireland – 0871492338 or in the
UK – 07857369619 to set up an appointment. If you’d like to explore more but are not living in Ireland or the UK then we do work together online – I offer Skype and Zoom consultations, all from the comfort of your own home. In addition, consultations are available Thursdays in Cork City at the wonderful Natural Clinic. Book a consultation at the Natural clinic, here or call Andrew or Leonard on reception on (00353) 21 4311977 to help.

Why not talk to me first? I offer a free 15 minute chat to see if this type of process really is for you.

Kind Feedback

“Michelle A. Hardwick is one of the most inspirational & motivational practitioners I know. If you have ever met or worked with her in a private session you will know what I mean and agree with me. If you have not yet had the pleasure of doing so – then you better buckle up – because you are in for an incredible journey of personal development/evolution. Michelle’s teachings are profound, full of insight & wisdom which she has acquired over many years.”

Our Ego

Understanding our ego with Michelle A. HardwickUnderstanding Our Ego

In many spiritual traditions our ego is seen as the false self. It’s the mask we wear in certain situations with particular people (or groups of people); or the role we ‘play’ in our lives. It is an illusion, a mirage. Often we get caught in this false, made-up ‘self-image.’ However as we peel back the layers of who we are not, we no longer need to play ‘roles’ in our lives. Instead we begin to become our real, authentic selves – who we truly are.

Lower Mind

Our ego is connected to our lower rather than our higher mind. It is our head not our heart. Esoteric Science states:

“It keeps us on autopilot; it keeps us half asleep and most of its programs (our beliefs, strategies, thought patterns, emotional reactions and automated behaviours) were initially programmed when we were very young, so many of our reactions to life are immature and inappropriate. Some of our programs were updated and re-written as we became older and more experienced, but the deeper ones were created by and created from a very young, naive, immature and inexperienced consciousness. These old patterns are responsible for most of the unnecessary suffering in our lives, but our fear of venturing into the depths of our being allows our immature core (inner child) to endure and our unnecessary suffering to continue.”

I agree.
Let’s explore some of these statements:

Understanding our ego with Michelle A. HardwickAutopilot

It “keeps us on autopilot; half asleep” – most of our self-sabotaging behaviour (known in EFT as a Psychological Reversal) stems from our ego. It does not want to move out of it’s comfort zone – even though it can be painful to remain there. Our ego resists, hates change and will fight to keep the status quo. If there is any way our ego can halt our Soul from making changes, evolving or progressing, it will. Our ego will continue to do things as it has always done, it gets what it wants by doing it that way. The ego does not want to take responsibility for itself nor have us take command of our lives, it’s too scary to change.

Reactions to Life

“Many of our immature and inappropriate ‘reactions’ in life” are from our ego. A lot of our reactions are similar to those of a small child. I’m sure you’ve witnessed this, where the ego becomes furious, shouts, cries, lies, attempts to cover up and/or defend itself. Yet the difference between adults and small children is that children are simply be-ing in the moment. As soon as the moment has passed, their attention is diverted, the reaction is forgotten and their focus is on something else. Yet adults can stew over an event, become bitter, resentful, feel justified in their behaviour, doggedly resistant to giving any apology for a reaction.

Updating Programmes

“Some of our programs were updated and re-written as we became older” – absolutely.  Programmes that no longer serve us become extinct as we add new truths or understandings. Think for a moment of the concept of the Easter Bunny or Father Christmas. We believed them as children, and now we don’t. Any outdated belief can be changed if we are ready to change and take responsibility.

Deeper Beliefs

The “deeper ones”/beliefs are often connected with emotions or feelings that are reinforced over time. Our ego collects ‘proof’ about them. It fabricates why we need them or why we can’t (or won’t) change them. We need to excavate a little deeper within the subconscious to discover the roots of these beliefs and their secondary gains either with EFT and Hypnotherapy. Often there can be nervousness around “venturing into the depths of our being” and becoming aware of our ego – for fear of what we might uncover. But nothing bad will surface only our judgement of ourselves. Our ego is not who we truly are, it’s not our truth…we are so much more than our ego. So much bigger, more amazing and more powerful than our ego would allow or have us believe. What we discover is our real self. It’s a very empowering process.


Those with a healthy egos endure a lot of “unnecessary suffering”. Their thinking is usually that they are ‘right’ and the other person is ‘wrong’. The ego needs to be in control and so it tries to get power from the other person in order to feel powerful. At the core of our ego is insecurity, anxiety and fear. But when we are balanced, centered and calm we respond to situations and are in command of our thoughts, feelings and emotions. We don’t suffer as much. Life becomes easier.

Becoming Aware

We can identify our ego by following the trail of reactions in our lives. Understanding our ego with Michelle A. Hardwick

Remember a time when you exploded over something that another person felt was seemingly small and insignificant. Reflect on that event. Check to see whether your reaction was a bit too “over the top” for what occurred.  Instead of blaming the other person and/or the drama, think why your ego reacted. What was the belief that caused the explosion? Ask yourself honestly does that belief still serve you? Is it outdated? Here are a few ways our ego shows itself:

  • it takes things personally,
  • feels attacked wants revenge,
  • won’t/can’t forgive,
  • can’t sleep and becomes unwell,
  • remains a victim, renders itself powerless,
  • overthinks, becomes self-obsessed,
  • judges the other person/people and their behaviour.

Einstein wrote:

“The more the Knowledge
Lesser the Ego

Lesser the Knowledge
More the Ego”

Michelle A. HardwickContact Me

Are you ready to break free from the limitations of your ego? If you are, then contact me by email or by phone:
Ireland – 0871492338 or in the UK – 07857369619. Alternatively contact me by email.
If you’d like to explore more – I offer Skype and Zoom consultations, all from the comfort of your own home.

Consultations are also available in Cork City at the Natural Clinic.
Book a consultation at the Natural clinic, here or call Reception on (00353) 21 4311977

Begin your journey of self-discovery and reconnect to your powerful, real, true, authentic Self now!