Soul wounds soul healing Michelle A. Hardwick

Our Soul

Soul Broad Bay New ZealandLearning about my Soul…Suffering from extreme stress, malnutrition and burn-out, I left my job in the hospitality industry and said goodbye to Beijing. I moved to New Zealand in 1997 and in the New Year, I started a 2-year Diploma studying Hypnotherapy. Later I began a practice, which I called the “Mind, Body & Spirit Clinic”, located on the Otago Peninsula, in a beautiful town called Broad Bay (pictured right).

Initially I offered Hypnotherapy to clients. Soon after, I added the tools of NLP and EFT. As my reputation grew and more people booked consultations, the cases I was confronted with became more challenging. Although there was a spiritual aspect to my work, I felt it was not as strong as it could be.

A close friend introduced me to a Sacred Mystery School, which I joined. Over a 2 year period, I delved very deeply within, shedding more layers through group process, individual and group meditations; as well as profound spiritual teachings. I learned about my Soul. I discovered we each had one or more Soul wounds, and found that the pain we experience in life was directly linked to these Soul wounds and part of our journey as well as our evolution was to accept, love and heal these wounds. Yet many of us are unaware of their existence. The more I uncovered and understood about our Soul wounds, the more I was fascinated. I went on to further my education, training with the wonderful Dr. Brian Weiss and the incredible Dolores Cannon of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT).

Soul Wounds

Our soul wounds are deep emotional recurring hurts that have not been healed. How you can identify a soul wound is that you keep getting involved in similar situations that trigger the same pain. For example – it could be around rejection. You might have first been rejected by your parents (they wanted a boy not a girl), then a child at school didn’t want to sit next to you and you felt rejected and humiliated, perhaps your first love two-timed you or your boss at work rejected the project you were working on. Essentially you keep being rejected. Liken it to a play – there is a stage: the scenes change, so do the people, the scenarios alter slightly – but the main character (you) is always center stage.

Some clients get so sick of the wound that they go for help to resolve it, but only the behaviour is identified. The root of problem – the soul wound – isn’t healed and it keeps being repeated over and over, again and again in life.

Healing Our Soul Wounds

Consequently as my understanding grew, my work began to change. The more I excavated and went deeper to heal my own Soul wounds, the more I attracted clients who wanted to do the same. Together, using my developing style of Hypnotherapy (and what I later termed Soul Connection), we established a platform for the Soul to communicate with us. We gained access to a level of awareness that offered more clarity, understanding and insight. The Soul began to share specifics about the wounds; as well as the path to healing and evolution. Many clients:

  • soul healingReceived information based on where they were; what they have done in the past; and gained feedback about how they were doing.
  • Acquired guidance regarding their personal evolution process.
  • Learned more about their true destiny/purpose.
  • Released resistance and healed their Soul wounds.
  • Gained a sense of peace, understanding and self-acceptance.
  • Accessed the bigger picture of themselves where they opened up a variety of possibilities: including self-love; self-understanding – and/or a desire to help others.

It was – and still is – powerful and liberating work. I’m humbled with what each clients’ Soul chooses to share with them. It is a privilege to be witness to this level of Truth.


Quote by David Richo

“Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.”

Kind Feedback

Feel free to read some of the comments clients have given me below:

Thank you Soul Connection with Michelle Hardwick“I am doing really well after my private session with you. I feel healthier, happier, and more energetic, too. Thank you for your help.”
“Today it was amazing. The new work you are doing is sooo profound and deep. Unbelievable. Through you my soul was able to show me who I really am. It all felt true to me. It came from my soul and you went with it so beautifully. I love you for what you are and what you became and where you will go.  You have grown so much and everything you learn you give to us in an incredibly humble way with fun and laughter (so it doesn’t get too heavy). You changed my life. You will help others become true to themselves. I am very, very blessed that you came into my life. Thanks Michelle from the bottom of my heart.”
“Since the soul connection with you I feel compete, with this inner peace that has its seat deep down inside the heart. I feel it physically where the seat of the soul is. Before it was just theory. I feel differently around men. Confident, I have nothing to prove, nothing to fight for, I am totally relaxed in my centre. It is so nice and peaceful and I enjoy every moment. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for that session that made me complete again.”
“Thank you for the wonderful session! I am being made aware of many issues with much more clarity”
“You were superb ..If it wasn’t you being spot on and being guided I wouldn’t have discovered this. I feel more joyous and lighter now that a whole lot more emotional baggage has been released. I’m thankful. Please continue to do this work….it’s so important now as the consciousness of planet is rising … we need people like you (and me)…”
“Dear Michelle, thank you so much for the session today. I still have such a nice sense of calm inside me, which I am guarding carefully. Today was one big step forward. Thank you for doing this work in the world. Love and light”
“Thank you so much for helping me reach into my soul. Being able to find out what I have been suppressing all these years has made me feel a lot lighter and relaxed. I am starting to love myself for who I am better and am conscious of loving and protecting the child and teenage me who reside in my heart.  As you said, this is only the beginning of a journey. I shall continue using all the tools from NLP, Innerwork and Reiki to get connected with my soul more often. Thanks a lot for your help. Thanks and kind regards from my heart.”
“Thank you for taking me on a journey of discovery and release yesterday. I really enjoyed it and feel amazing!”

Contact MeMichelle A. Hardwick - Soul Connection Consultations

Each day I am grateful to my clients for booking consultations and having the courage to go deeper. They are committed to healing their wounds, to finding their Truth and freeing themselves from their past.

If you would like to communicate more fully with your Soul, contact me to book your private, confidential consultationAppointments can also be booked online here. I am also available at the pioneering Natural Clinic in Cork city, Ireland on Thursdays.

If  you don’t live in Ireland, don’t worry, we can work together online via Skype and Zoom from the comfort of your office/home. You can call me on: (Ireland) 0871492338 or (UK) 07857369619 to chat more.

Alternatively join me for one of our potent Weekend Retreats in the stunning Liss Ard Estate, West Cork, Ireland. Over two fabulous days we delve deeper and uncover/discover more about our Soul and ourselves. I’ve teamed up with the wonderful Chef/Nutritionist Jorien who creates yummy, tasty, healthy, filling, vegan and vegetarian treats for our weekends! Ready to book? Click here.

We owe it to ourselves and our loved ones to be the best version of ourselves.

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