Drumroll....and we're off! My new website is now live
Drumroll….and we’re off! My site is now live

So thrilled to announce to you all that my new website is now live!

After months of emailing, Skyping, checking, arranging and preparing – Mr Snehal Patel of M2 Web Solutions – has created the most beautiful site from all the information I sent last October. I am incredibly grateful to Snehal for his hard work!

Please do browse the pages – feel free to comments or email me if you feel there is something you feel could be added. We’ll do what we can to include them.

Also feel free to check back often as I will be adding loads more details as time goes by.

For now though, I feel a sense of relief, like i have just birthed a new creation into being am naturally am feeling very happy and proud of my ‘baby’! It’s been a long road, but we got there in the end.

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