West Cork



Gratitude - 7th wonder of the soul weekendI am full of gratitude. Recently I facilitated the final and 7th of our ‘Seven Wonders of the Soul Weekend‘ at the Liss Ard Estate, West Cork, Ireland. Each of these weekends take place roughly every 3-4 months, and form part of a evolutionary programme that extends over a 2-year period.

My gratitude is to everyone in this group because they have been through a lot. There were a number of ups and downs for each of them over the two years since we began in 2014. I am delighted and thrilled that many decided to stay with the programme and see it all the way through.

Group Process

The weekends give our soul a platform on which to express itself. We get to peel back/drop layers of ‘who were are not’ to uncover who we truly are. Sometimes we discover things we love about ourselves. Sometimes things we don’t like. This can be hard for our ego to accept.

Gratitude to All

A group setting like this offers a special opportunity for a shared journey and promotes greater insights, profound realizations and an experience of powerful group energy. So naturally over the two years there were participants who came and went. Some attended one of these weekends, others stayed for a few. Their attendance related to their availability; commitments; where they were at personally; or how far they chose to go on their own journey of evolution. Every single person who participated in the group learned something about themselves and also shared something valuable of themselves with the group; their sharing allowed us all to grow. I feel such gratitude to each of them too.

Continuing the Journey

Now that this group has completed the seven weekends, what does this mean? Are they Perfect? Well…Not quite. They have much more self-awareness and understanding. Now they choose whether to listen to their ego or their soul. They can choose whether they want to feel hurt or upset. Now, instead of carrying emotional baggage around with them, they can make a decision, choose to drop the emotional suffering, work through it, take the gift, feel the gratitude and let the rest go.

I doubt I will ever be perfect, (that’s not why I am on this planet) nor am I finished with my growth. Until I have learned all I need to learn, shared all I need to share, taught all I need to teach, given all I must give and taken all that I need to take, my journey will not be complete. It is on-going. Sometimes it’s not nice, but it’s all part of the plan. However, when we stop our growth this is a decision which is based from our ego not our soul. Our soul will continue to put us in challenging/difficult situations so that we can grow/learn. If we keep the status quo and stop learning – that’s when we get stuck either in our ego, or we become unwell and we suffer emotionally.

Gratitude for Your Kind Feedback

The group members have given me permission to share their feedback. I am very grateful them for doing this. Here’s what some of them shared:

“I learned that pain is a positive resource in the search for my self. I learned that I have come such a long way in two years. I am getting closer to enjoying the process of letting go and that fear has been my driver for years”

“It is easier to have the support of a group to help you with a deeper level of understanding”

Gratitude seven-wonders-of-soul“Go to these weekends as its an investment in your life’s journey and will help you understand things at a faster and deeper level”

“Fantastic weekend. Great to connect with Source. Loved our group meditation. The weekend is transformative, unlike a therapy session you leave with a sense of what to do next and how to process. Unlike a massage or a spa treatment the transformation is lasting. It is a balm to soothe your wounded heart and soul”

“A life-changing journey which one has to walk to understand. I would say ‘look at my life now’. This is a gift to your Self, your Soul and Family”

“Wonderful journey of our souls: unfolding, discovering, healing, empowering, truly profound we are amazingly guided by an extraordinary, lively soul”

“I get to experience myself within the understanding of the topics we being worked on. With respect, confidentiality and trust, a number of people share during 2 days a part of their life. The weekend provides a space to feel yourself, choose to heal, meet beautiful human beings, taste food, share you with other people and be with nature”

What an amazing journey we have been on – my thanks and love to each of you.


Michelle A. HardwickIf you are ready to take part in an inner journey of evolution in these life-changing weekends called The ‘Seven Wonders of the Soul’ contact me, Michelle A. Hardwick. 

Our next weekend will be held at the Liss Ard Lake Lodge, West Cork, Ireland on 10th & 11th December 2016 – for more details and to book your place, click here

Michelle also offers personal consultations – either in the UK, or Ireland at the Natural Clinic in Cork city or online via Skype or Zoom.

Contact Michelle on Phone – 0871 492338 (in Ireland) or Ph: 0785 7369619 (in the UK).



Addiction with Michelle A. HardwickAddiction seems to be a recurring theme in my office lately. August and so far the start of September, have been all about addictions. Those who came to see me were looking for help to overcome an addiction of some sort.

When a spate of people arrive in my office like this, it gives me chance to reflect again on what else I still carry about that particular topic (despite already having done enormous amounts of excavation work around it).
On reflection I was surprised to discover how much time I am on Facebook, my ‘non-stop-over-scheduling-work-ethic’, the need to be right/perfect/not make mistakes. Certainly food for thought – and a bit more work left to do for me.

Addiction Article

So as I considered this spate of people – a wonderful colleague and friend based in Malaysia Monika Wyss – shared an article about Addiction, prompting me to write this post.

Escape from Pain

What is clear from the article is that one of the aspects contributing to addiction is the need to escape from our pain – whether that be inside our minds, our past, from life, living, other people or ourselves. That pain we are attempting to escape from is usually unprocessed and in our past. (NB: There are numerous reasons for addiction, however in my post today, I’ll just be focusing in general, on this topic of pain).


Many years ago, I read a book written by Robin Norwood titled “Women who Love too Much”. Reading this was a turning point for me. Norwood highlighted that I really did have a problem. (Ok… I’m being modest here – not just one problem – there were loads of them). Addiction with Michelle A. HardwickHer book woke me up from my ‘Denial Slumber’. I realized a lot about my struggles and the painful past I carried. My usual patterns of running, traveling to another country, beginning another relationship doomed for failure, would no longer work. I could no longer ignore, deny or numb my pain. I knew I had to do something, to take responsibility, confront, process and more importantly CHANGE.

As I continued my journey, I began studying Neurolinguistic Programming and then the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). Two very potent therapies for me. They began to change my life for the better, helping me address and release a lot of ‘my painful stuff’. Since that time, I have spent what feels like an entire life time growing, addressing, processing and releasing my past. I have learnt a lot. Now I help others do the same – albeit in a shorter space of time!

Reclaiming our Power

Together, we look at what caused the pain. Often, there’s fear and a belief that the past will be painful to revisit, yet it doesn’t have to be that way. For me, going back to the past is a way to reconnect to our power. It gives us a chance to reclaim and heal a wounded part of ourselves, a part left in the past. It’s the part of us that when triggered, (and we all have been at some stage or other) – reacts, shouts, screams, roars and even becomes abusive. It’s the younger part of ourselves that’s been alone, fighting an inner battle since the pain first occurred.

Part of my work also entails letting go of judgments we make about ourselves (as well as other people) so we can free ourselves from shame, blame, pain and/or guilt. We get to revisit and process what happened through the eyes of the adult we now are, rather than the child we once were. We get to forgive ourselves, to set ourselves free from the prison we’ve been keeping ourselves in, and reconnect to our truth – not who we thought we were, nor who we have been told to be – but to the truth of who we really are.

A powerful journey indeed.

Changing an Addiction

Addiction Michelle A. HardwickI am humbled, when I consider the amount of courage it takes for someone to come to my office. Only when people really have had enough of their addiction, are they ready for change. It takes courage to acknowledge there is a problem, and take responsibility for it. It’s scary to contact someone to work with. Then take that next big step to book an appointment. Finally and probably the biggest achievement of all, is to turn up and make a start.

Addiction Insight

Once in my office we discuss the addiction, explore addiction triggers, release and clear away numerous issues/fears/pains/traumas that contribute to the addiction. Often we need to uncover (or rather dis-cover) more about the past using our subconscious, the deeper mind, through regression.  We travel back in time to the origin of the problem and explore the Emotional Drivers that drive the addiction.

This is a wonderfully insightful process that brings forward powerful, lost, and incredibly vital wisdom to help support change.


Armed with new understanding about our past, the pain can be fully released and our perception changes. The final step is to re-programme the mind and strengthen the Self with positive suggestions around connection, self-esteem, confidence, safety, security. The time it takes for this process depends a lot on what occurred and what we discover. The joy and honour for me is being allowed to be a part of such a profound journey of self-discovery and be a witness as the client frees themselves from their past and reclaims their own freedom.

Help is Available

Addiction and Michelle A. Hardwick
Michelle A. Hardwick

I offer a free 15-20 minute phone/online chat if you’d like to connect with me in person before taking the step or booking an appointment.

I also facilitate weekend experiences. Two of the numerous topics covered in the next Weekend are addiction and self-esteem. Held in the beautiful grounds of the Liss Ard Estate in the Lake Lodge in West Cork, Ireland the weekend takes place on 24th & 25th SeptemberRead more here or book your place here. A limited number of places remain.

Contact Me

To begin your journey of self-discovery contact me by phone:
Ireland – 0871492338 or in the UK – 07857369619. Alternatively contact me by email.

Consultations are also available in Cork City at the Natural Clinic. Book a consultation at the Natural clinic, here or call Reception on (00353) 21 4311977

Connection and Enlightenment

Connection and EnlightenmentConnection and enlightenment with Michelle A. Hardwick

Although not apparent to us at the time, we do have a spiritual connection and are very enlightened at an early age. As we grow into our teens and twenties, life experiences challenge us, and we consciously (or unconsciously) shut down or lose this connection. As we grow even older, we begin to feel that something is missing in our lives. We might ask ourselves:

“Is this what my life is all about?”
“Is this all there is to my life?”

Inner Paddler

We know and feel that there must be something more.
It’s as if an ‘inner paddler’ awakens within us – paddling us forward: searching – looking – reading – needing to discover more, to seek answers to those important questions about our life, and what we truly want to do with it.

Inner Journey

That’s when our journey of self-discovery commences: we start processing, releasing and making peace with our past.  As we break free, we move beyond the confines of our mind, intellect and physical body. Our ego, once fueled by insecurities, becomes quieter and we develop true confidence, authenticity and self-knowledge. We start to let go of past judgments, become more accepting and go further, deeper into our innermost self. We continue on and our perspective changes. We see life differently, we feel more compassion, kindness, forgiveness towards others. We experience a sense of oneness and reconnect to the spiritual world.

Powerful Quote

I searched for a quote that would encompass my thoughts for this post and I found this one from New Zealand. I feel it describes many aspects of life beautifully – not just the state of oneness:

Connection and enlightenment with Michelle A. Hardwick“Kaua e rangiruatia te hā o te hoe;
e kore tō tātou waka e ū ki uta”
‘Do not lift the paddle out of unison
or our canoe will never reach the shore’

Most of us, whether we are conscious of it or not, are paddling – I’d like to think we’re paddling towards a shore of oneness. I know some are already there. Others are only just starting out. We’re all at different stages of our inner journey. But it’s when we ignore our ‘inner paddler’, that we remain disconnected and never reach the shore.

While travelling the world for many years, I have had the privilege to meet amazing people – all of whom are paddling. I have also facilitated countless workshops and  one-on-one consultations, designed to help wonderful awakening individuals become one: to reconnect, grow and evolve and reach the shore.

Completion of a Journey

On 22nd & 23rd October 2016, the group that began their inner journey in 2014, will complete their 7th and final weekend Wonder of the Soul and reach their shore. It’s been an absolute joy and honour for me to journey with these incredibly dedicated group of souls. Their final life-changing weekend will include many experiences and opportunities to:

Connection and enlightenment with Michelle A. Hardwick

  • Begin to feel a direct connection
  • Feel enlightened
  • Feel aligned and supported by the earth
  • Become aware of divine order in all things
  • Radiate love and peace to all
  • Experience more bliss
  • See everyone as equal, without judgment
  • Live their humanity and divinity simultaneously
  • To share their gifts; enjoy life to the full and live their life filled with passion.

I can’t wait! So many gifts will surface as the weekend unfolds. If you’d like to know more:
please download and print out a pdf of this event here
Alternatively read more about the Wonder of the Soul Weekend Seven online. Take a peek at some of the very kind testimonials received from participants from our previous weekends.

New journey Begins

As one journey ends a new one begins! Come, join and paddle with us at the first weekend Wonder of the Soul experience. This weekend will be the start of a series of seven workshops, held in the beautiful grounds of the Liss Ard Estate in the Lake Lodge in West Cork, Ireland. It will take place on 24th & 25th September and we will explore more about self-esteem and self-worth. Read more about all of the seven Wonders of the Soul Weekends here or just book your place now! There are a few places remaining – there’s one with your name on it…

Michelle A. HardwickContact Michelle

Do contact me if you have any questions. If you’d prefer to see me privately, then contact me to book your personal consultation. Or call me, Michelle (in Ireland) on 0871492338 or (in the UK) on 07857369619 to discuss your needs. There are a number of discounted packages available too.

Consultations are also available in Cork City at the Natural ClinicBook a consultation with Michelle online at the Natural clinic, click here or call The Natural Clinic Reception (+353) 21 4311977.

I’ve a Confession to Make….

Confession: I've made a boo-boo

I’ve a Confession to Make….

I made a boo-boo. Yep I sure did! Let me fill you in on what’s happened. Last year, after our week-long retreat some of the group were kind enough to give me valuable feedback about their experience. I collected the information, reflected on it and decided to create a whole new experience this year. I thought about what would want if I was attending such an event. So here’s my confession:

8 Night ExperienceNovember 2016

I wanted to have masterful, experienced practitioners to work one-on-one on me: mind, body, emotions and soul to help me powerfully change. To have potent group experiences; I wanted to eat only organic food, tailored specifically to my nutritional needs; I wanted time out to reflect in nature, to be together eight nights, and the all important thing (for me): to have my own room.

Because I’ve attended a number of retreats and although I’ve met some wonderful people that I shared a room with (and am still friends with them to this day). I confess, I wanted to be able to have my own space, to get up in the middle of the night; to write, think, reflect, process – even cry if I had to.

So having created a powerful programme which encompassed all of these things, I only offered only a single price and single accommodation. A big boo-boo. Costs have increased for every single item since last year: the accommodation, the food, the room rental, as well as the practitioners’ fees etc. Not only that, but in the last retreat a lot of my time was offered free-of-charge. I know I have to change this pattern (I give loads of things away for free) and  have to start valuing what I do and offer. Naturally having all of these things made the price expensive.

Dream Programme

Confession: Eight Night Experience with Michelle A. HardwickSo although I’d created my “dream programme” I now realize – perhaps a bit too late – that it’s not flexible enough for those who wish to join and who’s needs (including financial ones) are different.

So I thought I’d better ‘fess up and let you know that there is now a shared accommodation fee if you wish to join AND share a room with someone. I’ve paired the price down as much as I possibly can. I have also taken off the 5% surcharge for payment online. Please take a look at the new prices and information at this link. There is also a new pdf version too if you wish to download it and read at your leisure:

Hoping you’ll forgive my big boo-boo.

With love to you all,



Self-esteem with Michelle A. Hardwick

Self-esteem, self-worth and confidence are formed during the early years of life from birth to about 5 years old. This is when the foundation of our Self is built. If the parents are supportive, encourage and praise their child, then self-esteem will be high. If this doesn’t happen or something upsetting occurs in those early years, then the childs’ self-esteem will be compromised. The child becomes needy, clingy, will feel insecure, people-please and constantly try to prove that they are better than others.

What is Self-esteem?

According to the Health of Children self-esteem is an “important component of emotional health and encompasses both self-confidence and self-acceptance. It is the way individuals perceive themselves and their self-value. With low self-esteem children have a difficult time dealing with problems, are overly self-critical, and can become passive, withdrawn, and depressed. They may hesitate to try new things, may speak negatively about themselves, are easily frustrated, and often see temporary problems as permanent conditions. They are pessimistic about themselves and their life.”

I agree. This statement about self-esteem doesn’t only speak of our children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews – but of our own child Self.

How is your child Self doing?
Have you ever thought about him/her?
Do you know if he/she is happy?

When situations trigger us or when our child Self is threatened, he/she can have a ‘tantrum’; try to sabotage or stop things from happening.
Our adult Self responds to new situations but our insecure child Self reacts. That means he/she really is afraid and is shouting to be heard.

“Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on.”
Maxwell Maltz


Self-esteem with Michelle A. HardwickSo it’s our child Self that pulls on our hand-brake. We are forced to an abrupt and often painful halt. Imagine this:
Every day your adult Self revs the engine, tries to move forward in life. The harder your adult Self tries, the more you stay in the same place with your wheels spinning! Your child Self has its’ hand firmly on the hand brake. Our adult Self becomes frustrated, angry, jealous, resentful, irritated – and worse still depressed, suicidal and powerless. All because our child Self has low self-esteem and doesn’t feel safe.

Challenges in Later Life

As we grow older cracks start to appear and problems surface. Low self-esteem underpins a number of behaviours – not only those stated above, but also addictions of all kinds, relationship difficulties, insomnia and low levels of energy are linked to low self-esteem. If the self-esteem issue is left unresolved, it’s possible that the adult can get to a point where they just don’t want to be here, they feel negative about the world, have numerous failed relationships, experience sadness, loneliness and don’t feel as though they belong on this planet.

Begin to Treat Yourself

Self-esteem with Michelle A. Hardwick

Fortunately, it is possible to change low self-esteem. One of the easier things you can start to do is spend time thinking of how you might like to spoil yourself every now and then. Do things that you don’t do often for yourself. For example, it could be a walk on the beach or in a forest; having a gentle relaxing massage; getting your nails manicured or taking a warm, scented bath (and maybe even risk putting a few rose petals into the bathwater. Take a chance – you never know, you might enjoy it!).
Whatever you decide to do, commit yourself to it – mark it in your calendar and book yourself in! Get excited about it. Have fun and enjoy the experience. Remember that you are a Very Important Person. The more you appreciate the gift you give to yourself, the more you start to realize its value. This can help you begin to appreciate your own self-worth and value.

Process your Past

To go a step further in addressing your self-esteem challenge, and consider having a one-on-one consultation. This might seem scary and daunting. But think about it for a moment…what’s the worst that could happen?
You might peel back a few layers of who you are not, release the hand-brake and uncover who you really, truly are – your amazing Self.

Carl Jung said
“the most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.”

Self-esteem with Michelle A. Hardwick

Weekend Experiences in West Cork, Ireland

So if you’d like to take a bigger step and begin the process of accepting yourself, then consider doing different. Spend a weekend away in the beautiful grounds of the Liss Ard Estate Lake Lodge in West Cork, Ireland on 24th & 25th September 2016 from 10am-6pm (both days). Michelle will be facilitating a life-changing weekend with a small group of like-minded people called The Wonder of the Soul. This weekend will help you

  • understand yourself more
  • increase your self-esteem and confidence
  • take to look your roots and
  • heal those early years

Read and print out a copy of the Wonder of the Soul Weekend One here

Limited Early Bird Rates!

There are a limited number of early bird special rates still available for this weekend. If you love a bargain, the cost of the weekend is €209 per person/shared accommodation. But you’ll need to act fast – there are only a few places left! Once they are gone, they are gone!

After that the standard price is €250 per person/shared accommodation. If you prefer to have your own single room the fee is €330 Euro per person/per room. Discover more details here. If you are spontaneous, go ahead and book now!  And if all this hasn’t whet your appetite – take a peek at some of the very kind testimonials received from participants about our previous weekends here.

Self-esteem & confidence…or… Insecure & unhappy?     It’s your choice

Contact MichelleMichelle A. Hardwick

So if you, or someone you know is ready to begin to grow their self-esteem and make positive changes in their life, contact Michelle A. Hardwick for a personal consultation  either in person or via Skype.

Michelle also offers consultations in Cork City at the Natural Clinic, to book a consultation with Michelle online at the clinic click here or call 021 4311977.


Weekends at the Liss Ard Estate

Liss Ard Estate Lake Lodge

I have to admit that I feel very blessed to be able to call the Liss Ard Estate Lake Lodge ‘home’ every 2-3 months for our Weekends at Liss Ard Estate for self-development, self-discovery evolution and growth. Through a series of wonderful coincidences I managed to Google my way onto the Liss Ard Estate website.

I couldn’t believe my luck. The grounds seemed perfect, the location was West Cork, Ireland (also perfect), the dates I needed were available, it could be used for self-catering – oh my, the stars were certainly lining up for me that day!

So I took a trip down to Skibbereen. Estimating that it would take me just over an hour to get there from Cork, an hour to check everything out, and then another hour to get back.

What I didn’t reckon on – was the peace I would feel there. The quietness and tranquility, the absolute beauty of the grounds not to mention the incredible Irish Sky Garden. It was like I just melted there and the stress of my day vanished into thin air.

Magical walks and pathways
Magical walks and pathways

I couldn’t leave it was just so magical. It took me more than a good few hours to explore the grounds, to check out the wonderful views, to see the Lake Lodge and check out the gorgeous decor in the dining room, the lounge and library as well as the bedrooms.

Now almost 2 years on from my first ever experience, I share these jewels of  the Liss Ard Estate Lake Lodge with others who are keen to discover more about themselves, to connect to their truth, to evolve and grow spiritually.

Our weekends at Liss Ard are called The Wonders of the Soul. There are seven of them in total and each weekend has a different focus and experience. You can choose to attend one or all of them, depending on what feels right for you. Very briefly these weekends include:

  • Weekend One allows us to reassess our roots, to assess where we are and where we desire to go
  • Weekend Two gives us an opportunity to discover more about our inner balance, flexibility and our ability to flow with life
  • Weekend Three focuses on our intention, our drive as well as our passion and will
  • In Weekend Four we uncover more about love, self-love and unconditional love
  • During Weekend Five we look at our communication (inner and outer), as well as how we communicate our truth to the world
  • Weekend Six we experience the beauty of our vision, connect to our wisdom and develop a deeper sense of insight
  • Our final Weekend Seven helps us reflect on our journey of enlightenment from the ordinary to the extraordinary … and beyond!

Are you ready to close the gap between where you are and where you want to and take part in our weekends? Contact me Michelle and reserve your place now!

Share and be with a group
Be with like-minded souls
Nutritious food served
Nutritious food served
by the fireside1
Time to unwind and relax